The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Or is it still difficult for us to break away from the informational noise and hear the truth that screams at us?

The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer


The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Roof. Peter. Wind in your hair.

The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer


Меня всегда интересовали некоторые детали тела человека. Ведь тело, оно уникальное со своими преимуществами и для...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Parachute. Freedom. Spring

The format of the experiment and the disclosure of new qualities and images. Lightness, warmth and femininity and...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Stavropol. Slum under the soldier

In early spring I managed to visit Stavropol. I admit right away that I was not familiar with this city nor with its...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Freedom within

I would like to tell the story of a girl who society “obliges” to meet standards cry beautifully walk correctly smile...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Любовь и маленькие шалости

Когда ты молод и юн, ты редко смотришь по сторонам и думаешь о людях вокруг. Тобой движет горячая кровь и ветер...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Хорошая девочка

«Ну ты же девочка» Наверное каждая из нас слышала такую фразу от мамы, близких, проходящих мимо бабушек, когда...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Neat. Clean. Fresh

What is a stone? What is strength? What is love? What is pain? What is freedom and air? What is happiness? Only...
The news is tender. Goreva Aleksandra, photographer

Elemental Force

There is always a rock behind a gentle, light and sensitive nature. And here the story is not about men or life...

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